Postcard: Copenhagen railcar 39 in front of The old Valby remise (1938-1939)

Most viewed foto - 2015

Tram depot: The old Valby remise.
Archive: Henrik Boye.
Drawer: John Lundgren.
Publisher: Sporvejshistorisk Selskab (SHS).
Date: November 1938 - March 1939.
City: Copenhagen (Denmark).

The picture shows

Københavns Sporveje (KS)

Copenhagen railcar 39, manufacturer Falkenried/Scandia, series 28-89, signed line 6.

Signed line 6 EKSTRA.

Copenhagen railcar 551, manufacturer Københavns Sporveje (KS), type Bogiemotorvogn, series 501-618, width 2.02 m, length 12.30 m, manufactured 1930-1941, with 28 seats and 39 standing places, signed line 15, in the direction of Valby.

Copenhagen railcar 190, manufacturer Falkenried/N. Larsen/Scandia, type Hovedtype, series 105-234, width 2.10 m, length 8.90 m, manufactured 1901-1910, with 20 seats and 26 standing places, 2 axles, signed line 6.


Lundgren -95

Sporvejsmuseet Skjoldenæsholm

Den gamle Valby remise, vinteren 1938/39. Remisebygningen blev i 1995 genopført på Sporvejsmuseet Skjoldenæsholm.


Postcard: Copenhagen railcar 39 in front of The old Valby remise (1938-1939)

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Last updated: June 11, 2024.